Who am I?

Seasoned Engineering leader at a large internet company. I’ve been in the industry for about 18 years now. I started as a software developer working at several companies in different capacities before my current gig where I’m a Senior Engineering Manager. And about the stories I talk about - they’re all true except for the parts that are totally made up. :)

Any disclosures you should know about?

All opinions expressed on this platform are solely mine and do not represent the views or opinions of my employer in any way. I am writing in my personal capacity and my views are not influenced by my professional affiliation. While I may discuss topics related to my field of work, my views are not endorsed or approved by my employer, and any discrepancies between my personal opinions and the official stance of my employer are purely coincidental.

I take great care in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information shared on this blog, but please note that my opinions may change over time, and new information or perspectives may influence my views.

I value transparency and honesty, and I want to be clear that the opinions expressed on this blog are my own, and I do not intend to represent my employer in any way through this platform.

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Engineering leader